Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." This is my feeble attempt at examining my life.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Resurrection = Victory

11:07 AM Posted by Daniel Rose No comments
I bumped across an interesting post today.  It argues that, "The Symbolism of Jesus on the Cross has as main function to serve as a Warning that not even the Son of God could challenge the System." While this is would be true if the crucifixion is the end of the story, but...

It's not.

The crucifixion was overturned by a resurrection. Paul says this in 1 Corinthians 15, "20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead.22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.23 But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ.24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power.25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.27 For "God has put all things in subjection under his feet." But when it says, "all things are put in subjection," it is plain that he is excepted who put all things in subjection under him.28 When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all."

The resurrection is freedom and vicotry. The "system" has been subverted, nay, destroyed, according to Paul.

Don't be fooled.  The resurrection is victory and freedom.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Beast's Submission to the Jackie Robinson Essay Competition

4:26 PM Posted by Daniel Rose No comments
Mrs. Brackett (Ethan's Teacher), Mrs. Robinson, Ethan
Hi, my name is Ethan and I learned in school that Jackie Robinson lived his life by nine values and used them to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball. This is a story about a time that I used those same values to overcome a barrier in my life.

At my school football got banned because some kids weren’t playing safely. I was very mad. It seemed unjust. I went back to my house that night to talk about it with my family. My father suggested a petition. At the time, I didn’t know what a petition was. So I asked.

He explained that a petition is like a letter stating what I think should happen. It also should have signatures of the people who think the same as me.

I decided to do it, but I was anxious. I couldn’t believe what I was on the verge of doing. 

When I woke up the next morning, my dad was still sleeping, so I tried to make the petition myself. It said:

Dear Ms. Lilly,I am one of the many who would like football back. Here are some reasons why:
  1. The school wants us to be active. Football is a safe-fun way to be active.
  2. Without football kids get in arguments over games.
  3. Exercise makes you better in school.
On the following pages you will see the signatures of the people who think the same as me.
“Yeah, I think that is good.” I said to myself. 

The next day I asked my friend Jacob to help me.. Using teamwork, we got the signatures in one recess. Then we turned the petition into Ms. Lilly. I went to bed happy that night, thinking that tomorrow would be a great day. I would have a talk with Ms. Lilly and then football would be back! Well, did I get a surprise!

Days went by and no word from Ms. Lilly. I was getting pretty worried. What if she didn’t get the petition? What if she didn’t care? All of these possibilities were flowing through my head. Then, one day, during math, over the PA system I got a call from Ms. Lilly, saying that she wanted to talk to me. 

Ms. Lilly said to make a committee of three third graders, three fourth graders and three fifth graders. We would meet and make the rules for football. She said, “You will contact me when it’s done.”

I left her office feeling very worried. I didn’t know any fifth graders, let alone three of them! But I had to do this. I had to do this for my school and for my friends. I was determined.

Finding kids from each grade to join the committee took a lot of persistence, but with teamwork, we got it done. Now all that needed to happen was the meeting. I couldn’t wait.

At the meeting the next day, we started thinking of rules, voted on them, and then wrote them down. Soon we had a page full of rules. When we presented them to Ms. Lilly, she said, “Great job,” and told me to speak on the announcements the next day. 

The next day, on the morning announcements, I explained that anyone who wanted to play football would need to sign a contract to follow the rules that the committee had written. Twenty-five players attended the meeting and signed their names. And that’s how I got football back for my school!

To get football back, I had to use Jackie Robinson’s values. I was very committed to overcoming this barrier. Using a petition was an example of good citizenship. It took courage to talk to Ms. Lilly. It took determination to find fifth graders for the committee when I didn’t know any. I had to be persistent. My friend Jacob and I used teamwork to get the signatures. My school is very diverse, and football is a sport that we all play together. Getting football back for all of them felt good. Well, I got the job done, didn’t I? That shows excellence.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm a Man!

10:14 AM Posted by Daniel Rose 2 comments
The interwebs have been buzing about some Christian Superstars who are arguing for a masculine Christianity.  The response has been to show that Christianity is feminine. The pendulum keeps swinging. 

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

The fact of the matter is that our faith needs both the men and the women. Humanity as God intended included a shameless God-Man-Woman relationship in the Garden.

Men, relate and interact with God as men.  What does this mean? I don't know. I am a man and I meet God through reading, engaging with film, music, and other bits of culture.  I don't like hunting, fishing, or camping. But, I know other guys who love those things and meet God there.

Women, relate and interact with God as women. What does this mean? It is the mystery of which I have committed myself to in my marriage.  My Bride is a mystery and her walk with God is mysterious.

The point is simple, meet with God.

Men, don't judge women becaues they don't interact with God as men.

Women, don't judge men because they don't interact with God as women.

It seems to me if we could begin to take Paul seriously in Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Then we might be on to something.

The Church, the body of Christ, the Ekklesia, is comprised of both. It is time we stop trying to figure out who should dominate the conversation.  It seems to me that it's time for us, man and woman, to get serious about the mission that God has called us to. We need to go out on this mission together.

I am grateful for the women who lead with me.  They offer a perspective I will never have.  I appreciate the men who lead with me.  They give me courage and confidence.

Christianity is not masculine.

Christianity is not feminine.

Christianity is.