Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." This is my feeble attempt at examining my life.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

When Leadership Fails

10:03 AM Posted by Daniel Rose , No comments

I love that I’m part of a denomination that has as its leadership model one based in community. Local churches are governed by what’s called a Session. The Session is a group of Elders. These Elders are elected by the people of the church to lead.

This model is beautiful.

It’s beautiful when it works.

What happens when it doesn’t work? What happens when leadership fails? What happens if the people chosen to lead have little integrity or get caught up in a desire for power? What happens when they become untouchable? When leaders make it clear that you cannot question them or “It won’t go well for you…”

Leadership failure exists in every organization and in every community. It happens because people are broken and sinful. Leadership failures are similar to death and taxes, you can count on it.

While leadership failures are expected, when they happen in the Church it hurts just a little bit more. It makes you a little bit more sad. The sting lasts just a bit longer.

You expect more from people who are leaders in the Church. You expect humility. Your expectation is that they will seek to lead like Jesus. When you interact with leaders in the Church you expect them to be people integrity and honor.

So what do you do when they fail?

As I continue to watch failure after failure in leadership of the Church it breaks my heart. I’m deeply saddened by the power grabs and short-sightedness. I am sickened by the cover ups and posturing. I despise how leaders treat their employees. I am disgusted my decisions driven by the almighty dollar.

What can I do? All I can do is watch over me and my congregation. I can try to make sure that the failings I see elsewhere don’t happen here by creating a culture where leaders are held accountable and are never in a position of being thought of as “The God Committee.”  I can make sure that our leaders are never above questions or being challenged. I can try to set an example of servant leadership.

When leadership fails we must learn from it. Every leadership failure can be a lesson for us if we choose to learn. Sadly, the lessons are everywhere.

The post When Leadership Fails appeared first on Daniel M. Rose. It was written by Daniel M. Rose.

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