Henry Cloud in his wonderful book, Changes That Heal, talks about a developmental task called the "Good - Bad Split". This is where we are able to discern the reality that people and circumstances are neither all good nor all bad, but there are elements of both.
When people begin to diatribe about things like film, their good/bad split issues come to the forefront. They cannot see the good in them or the bad. God's Not Dead is a Christian film, it must be all good! Noah is written by an Atheist, it must be all bad (and vice versa)!
Wrong! When we wade into cultural evaluation, we must see that there is both good and bad. We must fight against the natural inclination within ourselves to only see one or the other.
I read a fantastic book a number of years ago, Plowing in Hope
Every diatribe I read, I cringe. I cringe, because friends, Christian and non-Christian, are acting the way they don't want the other person to act. So my friends, as you critique culture I challenge you to do this: write one paragraph about the good things you see, one paragraph about the bad things, and one paragraph about how you would improve it. If you're not doing long form, then one sentence or one tweet each. If you're not willing to do the work, in the words of Bob, "JUST STOP IT!"
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