Are local congregations broken? Yes.
Because they are filled with broken people.
Because this is who Jesus came for.
We should not be surprised to find messed up churches, led by messed up people, and filled by messed up folks. It's the whole point.
I am sorry that your political perspective is not valued as you think it ought to be. I am sorry that you have to fight a pervasively male dominated culture to live out your gifts. I am sorry for all the things that have hurt you. Please forgive the church, it knows not what it does.
If you want to bring about change in the church you don't do it by whining on your blog. You bring change through reasonable, honest, and authentic dialogue. You bring change through engagement.
If you think you'll bring change by planting a church, you're wrong. You're just running away. If you think you'll bring change by airing your complaints publicly, you're wrong. You just sound spoiled, self absorbed, and arrogant.
Are there times to leave a church? Sure. If the church is not embodying the gospel, then don't just leave, run. But please don't turn to the internet to whine.
On the other hand, if you find a perfect church, RUN! You will mess it up.
I push the church and challenge the church as much as anyone. I criticize, critique, and call out. But, I will not run from her. Jesus died for her, Jesus loves her, and Jesus will return for her.
No, I will stay and fight for her. I hope you will too.
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